
July 13, 2024 - BiMonthly mailer sent via USPS

July 4, 2024 - Annual board meeting was held in Durham, NC and a report provided to the IAGSDC Delegates

March 9, 2024 - BiMonthly mailer sent via USPS

December 31, 2023 - thank you for your donations!

February 1, 2023 - new mailing address is PO Box 45260, Phoenix, AZ 85064

February 5, 2022 - Stimulate IAGSDC 2022 will offer $500 in stimulus funds to every qualifying full-member club

December 31, 2021 - direct COVID relief funds directly to clubs $23,623

July 6, 2021 - as your club begins to reopen - request club development funds from the IAGSDC to help rebuild.

July 1, 2021 - A HUGE Thank YOU for an amazing 2020. Donations hit an all time record high - $63,768.11!!

January 31, 2021 - AJH paid all IAGSDC Club Dues for the 2021 year totaling $2,100.

January 15, 2021 - We have distributed funds contributed on behalf of clubs directly to those clubs. Remember that 100% of your designated contributions for a club goes directly to that club!

January 15, 2021 - We have distributed funds contributed on behalf of clubs directly to those clubs. Remember that 100% of your designated contributions for a club goes directly to that club!

December 31, 2020 - WOW! You answered the call and we raised over $23,000 to help clubs rebuild after COVID! Thank you for your generosity and continued support!

July 12, 2020 - We have established a COVID Relief Fund and have been Challenged. For every $1 you donate we will receive $1 in matching funds up to $5,000! Donate today! Click here for more information.

July 10, 2020 - Funded the GCA Callers School in Houston 2021!

January 13, 2020 - February BiMonthly Mailer - February 10th with materials due no later than February 7th.

December 31, 2019 - As 2019 draws to a close our thoughts are drawn to family, friends and gratitude. The Holidays remind us of the value of good friends and family. For many, our square dance family is where we share a good part of our lives, and the lines between friends and family come together. 

April 30, 2019 - AJH has moved! After 16 years, we now have a new mailing address so please update your records.
All Join Hands Foundation
2811 W Pollack St
Phoenix, AZ 85041

January 1, 2019 - We met the two challenges and raised $500 for the same sex logo and the $5,000 Continued Convention Attendance Fund. Thank you for your continued support.

July 10, 2018 - We have another challenge to create same sex logos and a donor will match dollar for dollar upto $500.

April 1, 2018 - We have been challenged to raise $5,000 earmarked for the Continued Convention Attendance Fund. An annonymous donor will match dollar for dollar upto $5,000 for donations made to this fund.

December 31, 2016 - We met the 2016 Challenge for the new Continued Convention Attendance Program created by an Anonymous Donor. Thank you so much for all your support.

September 1, 2016 - A new program was created for Continued Convention Attendance (after the first convention) for those that are in financial need. The program was created by a very generous anonymous donor who has a passion for our activity. Request for financial assistance, under this program, should be directed to your club. The club will then request a grant from AJH. Requests for grants should be submitted by the club no later than January 31st for a July Convention and November 30th for a May Convention.

July 4, 2016 - The IAGSDC will take over the Club Development so all requests for Club Development should be directed to them. AJH will grant funds to the IAGSDC for Club Development programs.

July 4, 2016 - Thanks to AJHC for sponsoring the TrailIn Dance and the Contra Dance.

July 3, 2016 - Mary Jane Wood has been selected to replace Greg Wilson as Director and Vice President/Secretary.

July 2, 2016 - Special thanks to Greg Wilson who served as Director and Vice President/Secretary for 12 years.

September 12, 2015: Deb Doyle created a Facebook promoting guide which gives clubs tips on promoting events on Facebook. Download here.

May 23, 2015: AJH and AJHC held a Lunch and Learn at the Swing Me in St Louis Convention. We hired Deb Doyle who is an advertising and social media professor at San Francisco State University and consultant who calls herself a marketing storyteller.

May 23, 2015: The Hoedown Dance was a benefit to AJH and AJHC. Thanks to everyone who participated and gave generous donations. The food was sponsored by AJH.

December 1, 2014: All Join Hands® is now a registered trademark in the USA.

April 27, 2014: AJH applied for trademark status on the mark All Join Hands™

December 31, 2013: We met the challenge! The Levine Trust matched your donations upto $1000.00 for the new Club Development Fund. Great job!

July 7, 2013: A challenge has been issued to all clubs and club members. For every $1 you donate designated to the new Club Development Fund, the Levine Trust will match your donation upto $1,000.00

June 9, 2013: AJH will be rolling out the Club Development Program at the delegates meeting in San Francisco. This is the program that will replace the long running Petersen Fund. Thanks Joe Petersen!

January 10, 2013: AJH resumes Bi Monthly Mailing Service.

December 31, 2012: We met the challenge! We appreciate your continued support.

July 4, 2012: A challenge has been issued to all Canadians! For every $1 you donate, a US donor will match up to $1,000!

June 29, 2012: As we start the 29th IAGSDC Convention in Vancouver BC, a challenge to all the Canadian dancers! Funds raised at this convention will be given directly to All Join Hands Canada!

June 20, 2012 : Thanks to Hotlanta Squares who held a benefit dance for AJH and raised $2,200!! Thanks Hotlanta Squares!

January 1, 2012: It is official. Welcome AJH to Canada as a Canadian Chairitable Organization known as All Join Hands Society Foundation

December 2011: Wow, what a great year and we give thanks to all for your continued support.

July 2011: Donate $100 and receive a limited edition AJH Polo!

December 2010: We met our challenge. Thanks to all for your continued support.

July 2010: We have been challenged again this year by the Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust. For every dollar donated through December 2010, the Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust will match it up to $5,000.

June 2010: Getting things ready for Convention in Chicago. Cannot wait to see all the *New Dancers* who took advantage of the AJH New Dancer Program created in 2005 by Star Thru the Silicon Galaxy! What a wonderful program! Thanks Randy, Paul, Jim and the El Camino Reelers.

December 2009: Thanks to you...we did it again. We met the $5,000 matchin challenge grant from the Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust! Thank you for your continued support!

December 2009: We started work on forming All Join Hands Canada Foundation! More to come later.

October 2009: A bylaw amendment was presented at the ARTS Governing Board annual meeting in Newark NJ. The bylaw amendment proposed adding AJH to the Governing Board. By unanimous vote, the bylaw amendment was passed! The Governing Board consists of 10 organizations with 2 of those being Gay! We continue to bridge the gap between the GLBT community and straight dancing!

June 2009: AJH attended the ARTS Governing Board meeting in Long Beach CA following the National Square Dance Convention and asked to have a seat on the Governing Board.

April 2009: Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust issues another $5,000 challenge for 2009!

April 2009: AJH has started the process to form AJH Canada Society and has named Pam Clasper as President of AJH Canada

December 2008: We did it again! Thanks to all who have supported us in 2008 - we met the and will receive $5,000 from the Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust.

November 20, 2008: Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Grace "Mommala" Levine who passed today. The family is requesting friends of Grace “Mommala” Levine to please send a remembrance gift to All Join Hands Foundation in lieu of flowers.

July 4, 2008: Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust issues a challege to raise $5,000 before December 31, 2008. For every $1 you donate Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust will match your donation up to $5,000!

January 1, 2008: We did it! We met the 2007 Challenge issued by Woody (Mary Jane Wood) on behalf of the Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust. Thank you so much Woody and thanks to all of you for your contributions and making this Challenge a success!

December 1, 2007: Challenge update - we are at 75% of our $10,000 goal!

May 27, 2007: Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust issues a challege to raise $10,000 before December 31, 2007. For every $1 you donate Patricia Anne Hatlen Trust will match your donation up to $10,000!

May 27, 2007: Rick Hawes winds up in Jail at the IAGSDC Brunch Meeting. People paid $521 to keep him in jail and challenged everyone to donate to the Rick Hawes Detention Fund.

May 26, 2007: All Join Hands Foundation passes the Golden Boot award to Scott Philips.

May 21, 2007: All Join Hands Foundation passed the IRS testing period and received our final determination letter from the IRS recognizing us as a public 501(c)3!

February 28, 2007: We morn the loss of Warren Jaquith. In lieu of flowers, consider contributions in his name to All Join Hands.

December 31, 2006: Thanks to everyone who donated in 2006, we met the Challenge issued by Scott Philips!

July 3, 2006: All Join Hands Foundation receives the Golden Boot award, given yearly to recognize exceptional service to the GLBT square dancing community.

October 19, 2004: All Join Hands Foundation funds the first community outreach event hosted by El Camino Reelers.

July, 2006: All Join Hands Foundation funded the 2005 GCA caller school, the Trail-In Dance, and a Contra Dance at When You Wish Upon a Thar in Anaheim, CA. Many local square dancers attended the trail-in dance, and many local contra dancers attended the contra. See the Activities page for full details.

January 1, 2006: All Join Hands Foundation approves funding for producing and delivering the IAGSDC newsletters and for shipping the IAGSDC travelling displays for the 2006 calendar year.

January 1, 2006: All Join Hands Foundation donors met the 2005 challenge grant made in July by donating over $5,000 to the Foundation. We received the full $5,000 in matching funds. See the Donation page for full details.

July, 2005: All John Hands Foundation has received $5000 matching challenges for donations in 2005. Every dollar donated up to $5000 will result in an equal donation from the challenges. See the Donation page for full details.

July, 2005: All Join Hands Foundation funded the 2005 GCA caller school, the Trail-In Dance, and a Contra Dance at Star Thru the Silicon Galaxy in Santa Clara, CA. Many local square dancers attended the trail-in dance, and many local contra dancers attended the contra. See the Activities page for full details.

January 1, 2005: All Join Hands Foundation approves funding for producing and delivering the IAGSDC newsletters and for shipping the IAGSDC travelling displays for the 2005 calendar year.

January 1, 2005: All Join Hands Foundation donors met the 2004 challenge grant made in March by donating over $2,500 to the Foundation. We received the full $2,500 in matching funds. See the Donation page for full details.

July, 2006: All John Hands Foundation has received $5000 matching challenges for donations in 2006. Every dollar donated up to $5000 will result in an equal donation from the challenges. See the Donation page for full details.

July 1, 2004: All Join Hands funded the 2004 GCA caller school and the Trail-In Dance at Remake the Heatwave in Phoenix, AZ. For the first time in many years, the caller school was sold out. The trail-in dance was a huge success with many members of the local straight square dance community attending. See the Activities page for full details.

March, 2004: All John Hands Foundation has received a $2500 matching challenge for donations in 2004. Every dollar donated up to $2500 will result in an equal donation from this generous individual. See the Donation page for full details.

February 29, 2004: All Join Hands Foundation announces that it is funding the 2004 GCA Caller School, being held in Phoenix this summer. The lowered tuition has resulted in the largest enrollment in many years. See the Activities page for full details.

January 1, 2004: All Join Hands Foundation donors met the two challenge grants made in July, 2003 by donating over $5,000 to the Foundation. We received the full $10,000 in matching funds. See the Donation page for full details.

November, 2003: All Join Hands Foundation funded the production and mailing of the November IAGSDC newsletter, sent out to all IAGSDC club members. See the Activities page for full details.

October 4, 2003: All Join Hands Foundation donated two additional travelling displays to the IAGSDC. One will remain in Canada and the second will join the original display in travelling around the United States. See the Activities page for full details.

September 21, 2003: Do you have an old working cell phone that is lying around gathering dust? Send it to All Join Hands Foundation at the address on our contact page, and we will turn it into a cash donation on your behalf. The donation amount depends upon the model and condition of your phone. See the Donation page for full details.

September 8, 2003: Following the announcement of All Join Hands Foundation at the General Membership Meeting of the IAGSDC in San Diego, two members of the IAGSDC offered a challenge through December 31, 2003 to match funds dollar for dollar, up to $5,000. What that means is for every dollar All Join Hands Foundation receives between now and December 31, 2003, there will be two dollars ($2.00) contributed by these two remarkable people. If we reach $5,000 in donations by December 31, All Join Hands Foundation will receive $15,000. See the Donation page for full details.